OBS18, Outdoor Media, Roanoke

Outdoor Media Get Savvy at Outdoor Blogger Summit 2018

Outdoor Blogger Summit has become the digital outdoor media hub for the greater outdoor industry, bringing together content makers from around the country to sharpen skills on SEO, Monetization Strategies, Algorithm updates and using Analytics to grow audience and relevance. Brand Marketers as well as content producers come to network and take away hard skills…

OREC rising in U.S…. and in California

Sept. 14, 2018- UPDATE on the below update… California’s legislature has now passed Assembly Bill 1918, effectively creating an Office of Sustainable Outdoor Recreation for California, under the state’s Natural Resources Agency. The bill currently sits on Governor Brown’s desk and it is anticipated that he will sign it. This is a watershed moment for…

Outdoor Retailer Last Waltz in SLC pt.1

What a whirlwind! The last whirlwind like that I remember was… well actually every show has been a whirlwind of some kind. This last #ORShow in SLC was truly memorable, though, and I was able to take a leadership role in bringing #PublicLands Policy and Diversity in Outdoors to the fore. So much happened that…

EZ Sign-On Action Request – DEADLINE EXTENDED to JUNE 12

FROM OUR FRIENDS AT WINTER WILDLANDS ALLIANCE (An Outdoor Alliance partner) regarding Public Lands policy and what you can do now to shape it.  On March 13 President Trump issued an executive order aimed at eliminating or privatizing federal programs, functions and agencies. This affects all of the public lands agencies and could have serious…

Take Monumental Action June 3, 2017

Saturday June 3 is a national Day of Action. I’m personally taking this action by visiting the San Gabriel Mountains National Monument (one of the monuments under review currently by the Department of Interior). It also happens to be National Trails Day… two for one, anyone? Here’s a list of the NM’s under review by…

Kenji on the Outdoor Tradeshow Situation

WHAT IS A TRADE SHOW’S PRIMARY PURPOSE? – Choose the Best Answer – 1. Trade shows exist to facilitate the efficient writing of orders between buyers and sellers.  2. Trade Shows exist to gather the forces of the industry together to discover, innovate, motivate and celebrate. Of course it’s not really an either/or choice (like…

Interview w/Outdoor Alliance

A conversation with OA about my advocacy and industry background, Access Fund and the struggle for America’s public lands. Tell us a little bit about what you like to do outside and some of your favorite places to go. Since I discovered the realm of wild outdoor places as a webelos scout in Culver City,…

Insty contest for Red Rock R’vous freeness…this truly ROCKS.

From my friends at Latino Outdoors… We’re stoked for this amazing opportunity! Check it out —> Be one of FIVE winners to get THREE full days of FREE rock climbing instruction during the country’s largest climbing festival, Red Rock Rendezvous, outside of Las Vegas on March 24-27, 2017. Red Rock Rendezvous sponsor (and outdoor retailer…