OR Winter dissolves after 33 years.

This news hit us this morning and has kicked off a flurry of social media commentary and phone blowups with the news. We anticipate plenty of lamenting, reminiscing and pontificating on the future of shows (full disclosure, we’ve already done our own pontificating in the socials…:-). During Kenji’s time working for the shows, Winter Market…

Inclusivity Luncheon #16- Facing Adversity; Healing and Persevering Together

Are you interested in Diversity, Equity and Inclusivity in the Outdoor Industry? Are you wondering how you fit into the growing movement to diversify the outdoor user base? Do you feel like you want to increase your activism in this space? Want to build your network of DEI advocates already at work in the industry?…

EZ Sign-On Action Request – DEADLINE EXTENDED to JUNE 12

FROM OUR FRIENDS AT WINTER WILDLANDS ALLIANCE (An Outdoor Alliance partner) regarding Public Lands policy and what you can do now to shape it.  On March 13 President Trump issued an executive order aimed at eliminating or privatizing federal programs, functions and agencies. This affects all of the public lands agencies and could have serious…

Kenji on the Outdoor Tradeshow Situation

WHAT IS A TRADE SHOW’S PRIMARY PURPOSE? – Choose the Best Answer – 1. Trade shows exist to facilitate the efficient writing of orders between buyers and sellers.  2. Trade Shows exist to gather the forces of the industry together to discover, innovate, motivate and celebrate. Of course it’s not really an either/or choice (like…

Gateways and Outdoor Recreation for Us All

This morning I had an early morning breakfast meeting with town leaders from a gorgeous and popular mountain town in California, and this question underpinned most of our very lively discussion… What is the ultimate combination for healthy living? Clean air and water, education and recreation and healthcare resources nearby… cool people, and cultural diversity?…

Adventure Parks of the Future

Just saw this from the amazing Kelly Slater. It immediately conjured images of a comprehensive adventure parks experience of the future where people of all ages/ilks/cultures/geographies can learn and try and fail and succeed in a controlled environment. Practicing adventure skills means failing where it’s safe to do so, and enabling a positive experience when…

Where ‘Urban To Outdoor’ meets Chapter 11 bankruptcy

(reposted from my LinkedIn account at the urging of readers…)  I just read back-to-back articles on Quiksilver going Ch. 11 (along with a host of other action-sports industry brands and retailers) and the ‘Urban to Outdoor‘ trend picked up from the Realtree blog (clearly the more ‘bloodsport’ outdoor referenced there). It does seem the Outdoorsy…