OR Winter dissolves after 33 years.

This news hit us this morning and has kicked off a flurry of social media commentary and phone blowups with the news. We anticipate plenty of lamenting, reminiscing and pontificating on the future of shows (full disclosure, we’ve already done our own pontificating in the socials…:-). During Kenji’s time working for the shows, Winter Market…

Trade Show Industry changing- Episode 1

  EPISODE 1 – REFORMING THE VALUE EQUATION Today, few companies use trade shows for the inelegant (but functional) order writing activity, once the singular value component of the trade show. Not only would that require the trade show to be timed perfectly for every company attending and exhibiting (impossible in today’s multi-variable supply chain…

Kenji on the Outdoor Tradeshow Situation

WHAT IS A TRADE SHOW’S PRIMARY PURPOSE? – Choose the Best Answer – 1. Trade shows exist to facilitate the efficient writing of orders between buyers and sellers.  2. Trade Shows exist to gather the forces of the industry together to discover, innovate, motivate and celebrate. Of course it’s not really an either/or choice (like…