Saturday June 3 is a national Day of Action. I’m personally taking this action by visiting the San Gabriel Mountains National Monument (one of the monuments under review currently by the Department of Interior). It also happens to be National Trails Day… two for one, anyone? Here’s a list of the NM’s under review by the Trump administration .
The simple Goal? To show our leaders that we care about our public lands, and won’t give up our National Monuments without a fight. Many of our most treasured gems started out as National Monuments before making the jump to National Park… we can’t let a careless administration change the future for all of us by enabling a selloff of what makes our country so great, and draws so many to visit, experience them, and leave them intact for others to do the same. That defines a sustainable resource!
How Can we do it? Simple. Just show up in your favorite National Monument, shoot a few selfies and tag them #DefendOurMonuments. We have a goal of 1MM tagged images to show from around California, Utah and the rest of our public lands and waters.
The Reward? An excuse to get into the wild next Saturday, and the satisfaction that comes from having your voice be heard in Washington and in every state house. Whether you hunt, fish, hike, climb, ski, run, ride, camp or otherwise hang in our unmatched and monumentally beautiful places, taking the time to visit and share your experience is mission critical.

June 3 2017 Day of Action means getting out into a National Monument near you. Do it and show our leaders in Washington D.C. how important they are to us as citizens, and as a society that values outdoor recreation opportunities and the economy that revolves around that. You’ll be glad you did.